Figaro Dental Crowns
Figaro Crowns was the brainchild of a children’s dentist in the Midwest – in all of his years as being a dentist, the choice between a white zirconia crown that was prone to cracking and breakage and the all metal crowns which just didn’t look very attractive was like choosing between two bad options. After coming to Kickr with his concept, Kickr Biomedical engineers developed a custom formulation of fiberglass and assisted our customer with bringing the material through the FDA regulatory process. Through extensive in-house pressure and impact testing our engineers arrived at a formulation that had a significant strength and durability advantage over zirconia crowns and even metal crowns and could be manufactured in white to ensure a natural look when installed.
Based on existing crown shapes, we then re-engineered and 3D modeled hundreds of dental crowns with complex geometries to fit a multitude of children and adult tooth sizes, developed innovating and straight-forward packaging for the crowns and finally assisted our customer in evaluating and setting up manufacturing at a facility in the US to manufacture the product!
From the Figaro Crowns website: “Figaro Crowns are the strongest ALL WHITE, METAL-FREE, BPA-FREE, pre-formed dental crowns on the market today. Through extensive research and testing, our data proves that Figaro Crowns outperformed Stainless Steel Crowns (SSC) and Zirconia Crowns 2-2.5 times in ball bearing and compression tests.”